Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium

May 5, 2021


Teaching and learning during the Covid-19 global pandemic brought many challenges, but also led to promising innovations in how we design, deliver, and support learning experiences in higher education. The Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium features interactive presentations and panel discussions on new and emerging research related to teaching and learning during the pandemic with a focus on applied scholarship that advances the art and science of teaching.

The agenda features three tracks, or categories, of presentations: the research track includes presentations with a strong research focus that use data and analysis to inform practice; the pedagogy track includes presentations exploring new pedagogies and practices that emerged during the pandemic; and the spark track includes short presentations that are intended to spark new directions for teaching and new collaborations around educational scholarship.

The Symposium Plenary Panel will feature higher education leaders who have been at the forefront of research and innovation in how universities teach and how students learn. Join moderator Matthew Rascoff from Stanford University for this discussion focusing on the increasingly important role that research and data play in how we think about both the potential and the promise of education as a transformative experience..


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